ParentWise is built on the foundation of 5 childhood developmental domains and one domain especially for the welfare and support of parents.

The developmental domains and age ranges were guided by the New Jersey Birth to Three Early Learning Standards (NJBTELS), put together in 2013 by the New Jersey Council for Young Children. The NJBTELS provides a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate and child-centered framework that enables caregivers to respond and plan experiences in relation to children’s developmental needs.
As every child is a unique individual, developing and achieving developmental milestones at their own pace, age alone is not enough for us to measure a child’s growth and should not take centre-stage in tracking their development. For this reason, we have used age brackets, some of which may overlap with another, in recognition that development is a continuous process with changes taking place gradually.
NJBTEL’s segmentation of domains are similar to other reputable and widely-adopted frameworks in Singapore and around the world such as the MOE’s Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) framework (, ECDA’s Early Years Development Framework (EYDF) ( and MSF’s parenting resources website (, adapted from Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (
Our additional domain, “Support for Parents & Caregivers”, was developed based on in-depth research into caregiver stressors and self-care strategies for those raising children. Each domain is further divided into sub-domains to address specific components within.
Under each sub-domain, there are sets of core findings and useable tips.
Core findings are evidence extracted from journal articles that are further translated to useable tips for parents and caregivers according to age range and context, namely, play, caregiving, environment and interactions with child.
With this structure, parents can see the relevance of evidence-based, age-appropriate parenting tips to their daily situations.
When you explore the WiseTips repository on our website, you will notice that you are able to filter your search according to core findings or tips. Clicking on a specific WiseTip card will take you to a detailed explanation on why this tip matters, based on the core findings of the sub-domain the WiseTip falls into.