Developing young minds with the sound of music
Dr Natalie Alexandra Tse, PhD (Arts), NTU-NIE
5 minutes
Dr Natalie Alexandra Tse, PhD (Arts), NTU-NIE

Photos taken in collaboration with Ang Wei Ming, featuring one of our ParentWise families

The cries of my firstborn (whom we affectionately call Dodo) in the operating theatre as he came into the world are the most deeply imprinted sounds in my memory.

As I had to go through an emergency C-section, I had no sensation in the lower half of my body, which meant that the only indication of Dodo's arrival was his cries.

Our abilities as human beings to listen to one another and respond through sound is a natural ability for connection and relationship building. This often happens in a musical way.

With our babies, we are already subconsciously being musical when we engage in vocal interactions.

However, when I speak to other parents about the wonders of music for child development, some feel apprehensive about music-making with their babies at home.

This is because of certain misconceptions about music having high entry barriers, such as needing to learn music "properly" by having taken lessons to play an instrument before.

But I think that as humankind, we may have forgotten that we are musical beings to begin with. With our babies, we are already subconsciously being musical when we engage in vocal interactions.

Language Development & Communication
Listening & Understanding
Core Finding: LD-UND-C02

Putting sounds (phonemes, rhymes and words) to music may help enhance young children’s receptive language skills, as they may understand words that they are not yet able to say.

Music gives children an easy-to-enter window into practising language and deciphering meaning. Children who are able to distinguish different sounds and phonemes are more likely to develop stronger literacy skills over time.

Music supports this critical skill because most songs include rhyming (or substituting one phoneme for another). Songs and musical activities have been shown to increase children’s vocabulary as new words are introduced through the lyrics.

Think of our early conversations with our babies, where we babble and create many non-verbal, almost "senseless", vocalisations in high-pitched tones. We may alternate different vowels (a, e , i, o, u) with consonants such as "b", "p", "m" to form "ba", "pa" and "ma".

Notice our babies’ responses of looking intently at us, arms and legs moving excitedly, and the opening and closing of their mouths as though imitating the sounds.

These sounds that we create with our mouths are the building blocks of speech for young children.

With my second born (whom we affectionately call Rhea), who turns one in August, I often engage in playful vocalisations with her.

As a rather vocal child, she often makes these beautiful narratives with her voice, varying in pitch (high or low), tempo (fast or slow) and quality ("longness" or liveliness). She also loves to create non-vocal sounds, such as blowing raspberries with her lips or purring.

At times, I respond to her through imitation. If I create a different sound in return, she will look at me in curiosity before vocalising her response. A couple of to-and-fro exchanges of this sort makes us sound like we are meaningfully engaged in conversation!

These sounds that we create with our mouths are the building blocks of speech for young children.

Research terms such early conversations with our babies “proto-conversations” or “infant-directed speech”.

Researchers Stephen Malloch and Colwyn Trevarthen observed parents and their babies in such conversations, and developed the “theory of communicative musicality”, which identifies the musical features that were innately present in such interactions.

These musical features were related to pulse or tempo, as mentioned earlier, quality (the "longness" or liveliness of a sound) and narrative (that is a combination of pulse and quality).

Language Development & Communication
Promoting Communicating & Speaking
Core Finding: LD-COM-C01

Before children say their first words, they begin to communicate through eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, cries and sounds.

Researchers have provided evidence that even before the infant can speak, caregivers and infants show turn- taking patterns, and this vocal interaction in early infancy has been referred to as “proto-conversations”.

In proto-conversations, the adult may say something, and the infant responds by making eye contact, cooing, smiling, showing lip and tongue movements, or waving arms, which then invites a response from the adult. These caregiver-child interactions help build the infant’s abilities for further language acquisition.

A study by Bateson (1975) showed early "mother interaction" with infants as young as the second month of life in various modalities, including gaze and vocalisation.

Before children say their first words, they begin to communicate through eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, cries and sounds.

Researchers have provided evidence that even before the infant can speak, caregivers and infants show turn- taking patterns, and this vocal interaction in early infancy has been referred to as “proto-conversations”.

In proto-conversations, the adult may say something, and the infant responds by making eye contact, cooing, smiling, showing lip and tongue movements, or waving arms, which then invites a response from the adult. These caregiver-child interactions help build the infant’s abilities for further language acquisition.

A study by Bateson (1975) showed early "mother interaction" with infants as young as the second month of life in various modalities, including gaze and vocalisation.

Thus, as parents, we are often already engaging with our babies in meaningful musical play, perhaps unknowingly.

This is done precisely through our vocal interactions with our babies, since they were born, or even prenatal, in utero.


For those who wish to be more intentional with musical interactions with your babies, here are some tips:

• Create vocalisations. Begin with the vowels "a, i, u, e, o", then add in consonants (letters before the vowels) such as "b, p, m, k, h" • Play with non-vocal sounds (e.g., blowing raspberries, lip-smacking) • Listen to your baby's vocalisations and respond through imitation • Create little pockets of surprise but responding to your baby using different sounds • Pay attention to the pitch (high or low sounds) of your vocalisations, varying them at times • Pay attention to the speed (fast or slow) of your vocalisations, varying them at times • Pay attention to the quality (lively or calm; sharp or gentle) of your vocalisations, varying them at times

These are not only fun ways to be musical with our babies, but also foundational to their speech and language development, as well as socio-emotional intelligence.

Dr. Natalie Alexandra Tse is a performer, educator and researcher whose practice as an experimental improviser has led her towards researching into babies’ sonic play through her doctoral studies and motherhood. Her recent works include Nadam (2018), Soundmakers by LittleCr3atures (2018, 2019, 2020, 2021) and Nature in Home, Home in Nature (2021).

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