Social & Emotional Development
Developing Self-Awareness
WiseTip: SE-AWA-M0009-E01A

Create safe spaces where your baby can move freely. Such areas also promote your baby's body awareness. Generally, a safe space is one where children can move, touch, and, explore confidently knowing this space is for them, and they will not be reprimanded or told 'no'.


Self-awareness begins in infancy and develops in stages. The development of self-awareness in the early years reveals layers of processes. These processes expand from body perception in action to the evaluative sense of self as perceived by others.

A critical component of self-awareness is a child’s ability to distinguish that the physical body is a separate entity from others. This body awareness begins soon after an infant is born. Researchers Filippetti and her team tested 40 newborns who were between 12 hours and four days old by showing babies videos of a baby’s face being stroked by a paintbrush. They found that upon birth, babies had body awareness or

proprioceptive sense

Proprioceptive Sense - Reaching is largely controlled by proprioception – the sense of movement and location in space, arising from stimuli within the body.1 Proprioceptive sense helps us to understand how body parts are in relation to each other, how to coordinate movements and to use the right amount of force to complete tasks.

1. Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development (9th ed.). New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education.

and could determine whether something was being done to their bodies externally or by themselves.
  1. Filippetti, M. L., Johnson, M. H., Lloyd-Fox, S., Dragovic, D., & Farroni, T. (2013). Body perception in newborns. Current biology : CB, 23(23), 2413–2416. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.10.017.