Social & Emotional Development
Developing Trust & Emotional Security
WiseTip: SE-TRU-M0003-I02C

Learn about your child's likes and dislikes. Respond in ways that will help meet their needs and make them feel secure.


Adult caregivers’ responses to babies play a crucial role in how the children perceive themselves. Responsive care that considers the baby's needs and interests creates a positive sense of self and develops

secure attachments

Secure Attachment - The infants use the parent as a secure base. When separated, they may or may not cry, but if they do, it is because the parent is absent, and they prefer her to the stranger. When the parent returns, they actively seek contact, and their crying is reduced immediately.1

1. Berk, L. E. (2013). Child development (9th ed.). New Jersey, USA: Pearson Education.

  1. Landry SH, Smith KE, Swank PR. (2006). Responsive parenting: Establishing early foundations for social, communication, and independent problem-solving skills. Developmental Psychology., 42:627–642.